Guild class
The Guild class requires two arguments. The first argument must be an instance of the Discord.js Guild class which provides the data for the guild. The second argument must be an instance of the Zyno Bot Addons Addon class and defines the addon where the guild class should be created for.
An instance of the Zyno Bot Addons Addon class which represents the addon the guild class was created for.
The id of the guild and is a Twitter snowflake.
The name of the guild.
An instance of the Save class and provides the channels which are available for the bot in the guild.
Save<channelId, TextChannel | VoiceChannel | CategoryChannel | StageChannel | DirectoryChannel | ForumChannel | ThreadChannel>
An instance of the Save class and provides the emojis created in the guild.
Save<emojiId, Emoji>
The url of the icon the guild uses.
The server description which was set and can be seen in the server discovery tab on Discord.
An instance of the Member class and represents the owner of the guild.
The user id of the owner of the guild.
An instance of the Save class and provides the members in the guild.
Save<userId, Member>
A number which represents the amount of members in the server.
An instance of the Save class and provides the invites created for this guild.
Save<inviteCode, Invite>
A boolean which defines whether the guild is verified or not.
A number which represents the verification level which is set in the guild.
The amount of boosts the server has.
An instance of the Save class which provides the roles of the guild.
Save<roleId, Role>
An instance of the Role class which represents the everyone role.
An instance of the Save class which provides the moderation roles set for the bot.
Save<roleId, Role>
An instance of the Save class which provides the ticket roles set for the bot.
Save<roleId, Role>
An instance of the Save class which provides the join roles set for the bot.
Save<roleId, Role>
An instance of the built-in NodeJS Date class which represents the time the bot got added in the server.
A number which represents the timestamp of the time when the bot got added in the server.
An instance of the built-in NodeJS Date class which represents the time when the server was created.
A number which represents the timestamp of the time when the server was created.
An instance of the Save class which provides the voice states inside the server of each member.
Save<userId, VoiceState>
Changes the name of the guild. The function returns a Promise
which returns an instance of the Guild class with the updated data once the name has been changed.
A string between 1-100 characters which represents the new name of the guild.
Changes the icon of the guild. The function returns a Promise
which returns an instance of the Guild class with the updated data once the icon has been changed.
The url of the image which should become the new icon of the guild.
The reason you want to change the icon of the guild. This must be a string between 1-512 characters, but is not required.
Changes the banner of the guild. The function returns a Promise
which returns an instance of the Guild class with the updated data once the banner has been changed.
The url of the image which should become the new banner of the guild.
The reason you want to change the banner of the guild. This must be a string between 1-512 characters, but is not required.
Bans a member from the guild. The function returns a Promise
which returns an instance of the Guild class with the updated data once the member has been banned.
An instance of the Member class or a string which represents the id of the member you'd like to ban from the guild.
The reason you want to ban the member. This must be a string between 1-512 characters, but is not required.
Unbans a user from the guild. The function returns a Promise
which returns an instance of the Guild class with the updated data once the member has been unbanned.
The id of the user you'd like to unban from the guild.
The reason you want to unban the user from the guild. This must be a string between 1-512 characters, but is not required.
Creates a new emoji for the guild. The function returns a Promise
which gets fulfilled once the emoji has been created.
An object with the data for the new emoji.
The options object may contain the following information:
: The name you'd like to give the emoji.imageUrl
: The url of the image you'd like the emoji to use.reason
: The reason you want to create an emoji for the guild. This must be a string between 1-512 characters, but is not required.
Deletes an emoji from the guild. The function returns a Promise
which gets fulfilled once the emoji has been deleted.
An instance of the Emoji class or a string which represents the id of the emoji you'd like to delete.
The reason you want to delete the emoji of the guild. This must be a string between 1-512 characters, but is not required.
Creates a new role for the guild. The function returns a Promise
which returns an instance of the Role class which represents the new role once the role has been created.
An object with the data for the new role.
The options object may contain the following information:
: The name you'd like to give to the role.color
: A number which represents the base10 color code or a string which represents the HEX color code of the color you'd like to give to the role.position
: A number which represents the position the role should get in comparison with the other roles where0
is the highest position.hoist
: A boolean which represents whether the role should be displayed separately from the members.permissions
: An array with the permissions members with this role should have. The permissions which can be used can be found on the permissionsBitfield page.reason
: The reason you want to create the role. This must be a string between 1-512 characters, but is not required.
Deletes a role from the guild. The function returns a Promise
which gets fulfilled once the role has been deleted.
An instance of the Role class or a string which represents the id of the role you'd like to delete.
The reason you want to delete the role of the guild. This must be a string between 1-512 characters, but is not required.
Creates a new channel for the guild. The function returns a Promise
which returns an instance of the TextChannel, CategoryChannel, VoiceChannel, StageChannel, ForumChannel or DirectoryChannel class, depending on the type which was provided in the options, once the channel has been created.
An object with the data for the new channel.
The options object may contain the following data:
: A string which represents the new name of the channel. The name must be between 1-100 characters and is required to provide.type
: The type of channel to create. This must beGuildText
: An instance of the CategoryChannel class or a string which represents the id of a category channel which represents the category where the channel should be placed under. This cannot be used when creating a new category channel.topic
: A string between 1-100 characters which tells what the channel is meant for.nsfw
: A boolean which defines whether the channel should be marked as NSFW or not.bitrate
: The quality of the audio in kbps when creating a voice or stage channel.userLimit
: The amount of members who are allowed to join the channel when creating a voice or stage channel.videoQuality
: A string which is eitherFull
or a number which represents one of these above mentioned options and represents the default video quality in the voice or stage channel.1
: The region you want to change the voice region of the voice channel to. The regions you can use hasn't been specified by the Discord API docs, but can be found by using it's endpoint according to the docs (more info).position
: The position compared to the other channels within the same category channel where the channel should be placed. The highest position is0
: The time the users have to wait before they can send another message after sending a message in the channel. This must be a number which defines the time in miliseconds, an instance of the Date class where the timestamp gets substracted of the current timestamp and the difference is used as the slow mode time or a string which defines the time like1 hour
: The time it takes before thread channels created within the channel automatically archives after inactivity when creating a text or forum channel. This must be a number which defines the time in miliseconds, an instance of the Date class where the timestamp gets substracted of the current timestamp and the difference is used as the auto archive duration or a string which defines the time like1 hour
. The duration must be an hour, a day, 3 days or a week.permissions
: An array which includes JSON objects. Every object should have a key namedid
where the value is the id of the role or member the permissions apply to. Every object should either have a key namedallow
(both are also allowed) where the value is an array with the permissions as bigints the member or role should or shouldn't have (you can also use the permissionsBitfield object instead of writing the bigints). It is optional to add atype
key where the value ismember
which represents whether theid
belongs to a member/user or a role.reason
: The reason you want to create a channel in the guild. This must be a string between 1-512 characters.
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