To create an addon, you need to communicate to the library which permissions your bot needs. These permissions will give you access to certain functions and information. These permissions can be imported from the bitfield
object. Here is an overview of which permissions there are:
Permission | Description |
COMMANDS | Detect when a command get's executed and make possible changes to them |
MEMBERS | Detect changes to members, kick or ban them and make changes to them |
MESSAGES | Read messages that are send and make changes to them |
KICKS | Detect when a member gets kicked |
BANS | Detect when a member gets banned |
GUILDS | Read and make changes to guilds |
CHANNELS | Read and make changes to the channels the bot has access to |
SAVES* | Read all the data that has been saved and save or delete data |
ADDONS** | Read all other registered addons and make changes to them |
EMOJIS | Create, edit and delete emoji's for guilds |
ROLES | Create, edit and delete roles in a guild |
SERVERS | Start a HTTP or WebSocket server and handle requests of the server |
BOT | Make changes to the bot |
INTERACTIONS | Detect interactions like buttons or menu's, get information about them and reply to them |
* Zyno Bot makes use of the ValueSaver package to save it's data, the saves of it get imported by the Zyno Bot addons library, but are converted to the Save class
** The addons permission is not used in the Zyno Bot addons library yet
Last updated